Finding an Attorney That Specializes in Your Case
Although there are attorneys who take on cases for multiple types of law, it would behoove you to find one who specializes in the type of law for which your case is centered. This is because they are experts in that one field. They may charge a bit more than your general attorney but in the end it usually pays off exponentially.
Mismatched Attorneys
There are famous stories of high profile cases being tried by attorneys who don’t even specialize in that particular field. One that comes to mind is Mike Tyson’s case vs Robin Givens. Tyson trusted his manager Don King fully and when King suggested that Mike use his tax attorney to defend him in that particular case, Tyson agreed. As you probably know it did not turn out well for Iron Mike.
If you are disabled and need help preparing a case to qualify for disability payments, you certainly aren’t going to hire an estate attorney are you? Of course not. Hiring a disability attorney in Melbourne Florida would be your best shot at winning your case if you lived in that area. You only get so many shots at it before they stop hearing your case.
Essentially there are 12 types of attorneys:
1. Bankruptcy lawyer
2. Business lawyer (corporate lawyer)
3. Constitutional lawyer
4. Criminal defense lawyer
5. Employment and labor lawyer
6. Entertainment lawyer
7. Estate planning lawyer
8. Family lawyer
9. Immigration lawyer
10. Intellectual property (IP) lawyer
11. Personal injury lawyer
12. Tax lawyer
It simply makes zero sense not to hire one that specializes in your type of case. Always hire a specialist no matter what the case may be if you want to maximize your outcome.